Thursday, June 6, 2024

assault/theft by Ingles employee, threat by William Ramey (co-manager) [ May 12/Sunday, Ingles Franklin/NC (1247 Georgia Rd) ]


^^^ unidentified Ingles employee, took off name-tag (to avoid identification -- "cover up")

As I was trying to ID the manager (STILL don't know his identity),

he bumped into me (assault).

[ all recorded on Ingles surveillance video! ]

 He later LIED about it, saying his assault was "legal"..LOL

^^^ frame grab off video. Later, outside he admitted to STEALING my smartphone. Saying it WASN'T STEALING, since I have the smartphone -- SERIOUSLY??

OKAY -- he STOLE my smartphone! He yanked off his name-tag, to avoid identification. DUMB, since he WILL be identified. This just looks TOTALLY JUVENILE. Hey, this AIN'T high-school buddy!

There is a woman (Ingles employee), saying the same thing -- I have the smartphone, so it isn't stealing. NO..he took my smartphone (& also bumped into me) -- THEFT & ASSAULT

You look at the above -- so-called "professionally dressed", acting like high-school THUGS.

I'm sure the Macon County D.A. (Ashley Welch) will be dropping this case pronto..

Prosecutorial District 43 - North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys (

Like I mentioned to the head-officer on May 10 (Friday), the Franklin PD got "played"

 by some REALLY STUPID Ingles middle-managers:

Poor training (unprofessional), failed to weed out the thugs.

SERIOUSLY, this case just got WIPED OUT by these teen-agers (masquerading as adults)

-- John McEnroe, tennis great

Here's the co-manager William Ramey, who THREATENED me on smartphone video:

"leave or else", he approached me threateningly in-my-face! I thought he was going to HIT ME! just get your Security people to do this -- DUH!

Both of these guys (esp 1st guy, name-tag missing) FAILED the "Professional Responsibility" dictum

Again, I blame the Ingles (lack of) training.

God forbid, the D.A. (Ashley Welch) allowing this case to go forward..

Imagine this appearing on MSM (Main Stream Media) -- CNN, ABC News, CBS News, PBS News, NPR, etc. Bad look for N. Carolina, on the heels of the Alex Murdaugh & S. Carolina

"dangerous concentration of power"

The liability is further increased, since my activity at Ingles/Starbuck, was related to my AI (Artificial Intelligence) startup, with a U of N. Carolina Professor. I have the texts to back it up:

The anticipated market valuation of AI (no target date) is 1.8 TRILLION $$

Yes, my AI startup has been damaged (lost Time/Money/Energy) by the above nonsense!

"All this Idiocy/Lunacy, it will take me day & night to FIX IT!"
-- Dr James F Blinn, JPL Computer Graphics Lab, Voyager flyby animation, pioneering Computer Graphics researcher

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